UAAP Line-up to the Bantay Bata All-Star Game
You, sir, are a great writer. So much passion for sports in general.
If you read through the UAAP line-up 2 things will probably pop up at you:
1. Where are Nonoy Baclao, Elmer Espiritu, Val Acuna and Khasim Mirza?
> Simple answer is they will be on duty with the Philippine Patriots of the ABL. Games are played on weekends, and if I'm not mistaken, they will be in Kuala Lumpur to take on Rudy Lingganay, Tats Bandaying and Roel Hugnatan.
2. With all due respect to the guy, but...
What the crap is KISH CO doing on the All-Star Team???

As a very big advocate of the fact that basketball is formative (both to the audience and the players), I really think that this move is a slap in the face of the kids that will benefit from the game. It's a charity exhibition game, yet they choose not to send players who will draw more onlookers and thus generate a bigger charitable contribution. I don't know, but that's just wrong... It sends the message that "we choose to keep our interests first instead of the growing needs of our nation." Selfish much?
Seriously, man. Kish Co, an all-star???
you want to know something interesting though? if you go by per-40 minute numbers, Kish Co is DLSU's leader in both points and rebounds. he averages 18.7 points (better than Webb's 18.4 and Barua's 17.4) and 13.0 rebounds (better than Jovet Mendoza's 11.8, Maui Villanueva's 11.4 and Bringas' 11.2). his assists and steals per-40 weren't bad either. i'd say kish was the most efficient player on the DLSU roster, though lacking in star power.